Memenuhi Tugas RPL

It has been more than 1 year I wasn't writing on my blog. I had no time to do this and I had no idea to write something here. 
Now, I want to share the details of mine. Why I'm gonna write this? I'll tell ya about it after the details. Annnnnndddd, I'm gonna write this in BahasaCekidot~

Nama(Sesuai Akte): Pratiwi Setyarini -ini baru nama Indonesia, nama Zimbabwe gua rahasia-
TTL: Purworejo, 13 Juli 199..............(pokoknya gua masih muda)
Alamat: Vila Mutiara Gading blok C12/5. RT001/014. Kec.Tarumajaya, Bekasi Utara. 17215.
Hobi: membawa hewan buas ke Petshop.
Pekerjaan: ya Kuliah. Selain kuliah paling cuma jadi wanita bisnis. Bisnis pulsa. Kalo beli pulsa ke gue aja ya guys!

Nama kampus: Oxford University cabang Rawa Panjang.
Makes: makanan gratis.
Mikes: air putih yang diambil langsung dari mata air pegunungan. Yang ada manis-manisnya gitu.
Warna Favorit: pencampuran dari Hijau Tosca, Biru Tua, Biru Muda, Biru Anak-anak, Cream, yang dipadu-padankan dengan Ungu Janda dan Abu-abu Monyet, yang menghasilkan zat atom.

Film Favorit: BANYAK BANGET! So far, film yang daridulu sampe sekarang udah bermilyar-milyar kali ditonton dan gak bosen adalah Harry Potter Movie Collection dari 1-7.2


So, that's all ! 
I wrote this for the assignment from my lecturer. He wanted us to write on our blog something about ourselves. I had no idea what I was gonna write. I wrote them all based on what I was thinking about. I'm sorry if there's a mistake on this article. Actually, I'm still learning to write blog in English like what I wrote in the previous post that my English Teacher wanted me to do. So, please correct me. You can comment below! I'm so glad if you help me to correct my bad English.

I like to write with jokes in it, I like to joke if I write in Bahasa haha it doesn't make sense to make jokes in English. I'm trying to be active again in blogging.

Thank you / Terimakasih / Khob Khun Kha / Syukron / Arigatou / Xie Xie / Danke / Merci / Gracias / Gamsahamnida
